School is almost out, and I am excited to plan fun stuff this summer for they kids, read a lot and enjoy these sunny Southern Utah days! I plan to read all sorts of book from fiction to self help to historical! I just finished this amazing and inspirational book called I’mPossible – Desire, Deram, Do by Jeff Griffin. It was a very quick read that was very very good!
This story can help anyone and everyone who might be going through any sort of challenge or struggle in their life. Or someone that just needs a little inspiration to help you achieve your dreams! Jeff is a great writer and his book has a great story along with lessons that he learned and that we can learn and apply to ourselves. Jeff Griffin always dreamed of playing football “on the big stage”! After his mission at age 22 he had a construction accident that left him paralyzed from the waist down. As down as he could have been about his life situation, he has taken his challenges and climbed his own mountain and has reached the top! He is an inspiration, and I am so grateful I got to review this book when I did because Jeff Griffin’s story will help me to reach to achieve my goals and to “Dream, Desire and Do” in the many things I want to accomplish in this life!Life has felt a little overwhelming to me lately, and even though I am not wheelchair bound with paralasais, I think we all have our own mountains to climb and doubt and fear get in the way. Jeff puts it in to perspective on how to get rid of self doubt and turn the impossible into the possible for anyone!
His tagline for his book is “Let me inspire you to take your own journey, one step at a time. Let’s turn the impossible into the possible. Together, We’re Possible!“
Author Bio-
Jeff Griffin is a wheelchair athlete who earned his Master’s degree in Education and knows how to win. He played in the 2004 Athens Olympics, holds a Guinness Book of World Records, and is a four time NWBA All-Star MVP. He enjoys mentoring youth, distributing wheelchairs, and providing Peer Training Materials through his humanitarian efforts with LDS Charities. He is passionate about progress.
Q&A about I’mPossible with Jeff Griffin
1.) What inspired you to write I’Mpossible? – My book is all about accomplishing the impossible and the journey we must take to fulfill our dreams. When I got to college the professor had all 150 of his students write a paragraph on a certain topic and hand it in. The next day he called six students names in the classroom and had them go to back of the room. They were told in semi-private terms that they needed to take a remedial class so they could get caught up. I was one of those six! I didn’t know it at the time but It was the best thing that could have happened to me. I learned the basics of writing. I had a personal experience with a professor that cared about what I had inside my mind and heart. He was someone who wanted me to learn how to express and share my own ideas and stories. He taught me that the impossible was possible. He helped planted a seed of hope in the field of stories. I now love to lounge around in the world of words! This class and professor helped liberate me from the chains of doubt and discouragement. In return I hope to inspire millions to take their own first step towards their own dreams and desires with my personal story from trying to tragedy to triumph. My joy and happiness comes from helping others break free and see there is more to life than what we see!
2.) What is the main message of your book? The main message of I’mPossible Is that we are all faced with a mountain of trials and more often than not, we listen to those around us and think that our personal trials are too big or too tough to overcome. That is just not true. In the introduction of the book I write, “I understand that more than likely you don’t have the same problem as me but I believe we all have a handicap or a Mt. Everest to climb in some area of our lives. Nobody is perfect, no matter how much you want to believe it! Your handicap could be a mental disability that pains you beyond comprehension. It could be something that we have been suffering for days, months, and or even years. It could be a social handicap that paralyzes us when we’re out in public or inside our private walls. It could be a physical handicap like my own where others can instantly see what our problem is without being able to hide it. Unlike other disabilities that are more personal which can be kept from others and hidden for a very long time. Your Mt. Everest could even be a spiritual handicap that we refuse to acknowledge. Or perhaps it could be something we have been struggling with for a very long time and we are having a very hard time overcoming it. Whatever your individual handicap is it can be conquered! These disabilities can be either debilitating or liberating. They can hold us back or lift us up. They can remain our weakness or they can become our strengths. I hope by sharing my story of big dreams, grave disappointments, and euphoric triumphs it can help in some small way to lift you closer to the light that lifts. With each passing mile marker along the journey we can learn from our experiences or be lost for them. I have found peace in the pain and joy in the journey. I hope you can find some too, as you embark on your own journey within the pages of this book. Remember; there are no excuses when it comes to success! You’repossible!”
3.) How can your message help other people? I understand that my message will not resonate with everyone but I do know from experience that when I see or read about someone else who overcomes great odds or challenges It gives me hope. I’m motivated to be better, to do more, and to give more. It shows me that if someone else can do hard things then I too can overcome hard and impossible things. Not only that but that life can be cherished and enjoyed even with hardships and heartache. My message is a raw exposure to my heart and soul.
4.) What makes your book different than other motivational books? – I tried to make my book a little different by not only telling a heroic story but also giving some obvious and not so obvious clues on how to climb and overcome your own challenge of life. Whether it is physical, mental, social, or intellectual I believe there is a way to accomplish the impossible. There are guide posts instead of chapters and there is an invitation for every reader to think about certain areas of their lives and other places to take action with those thoughts. The invitations are not overwhelming and may seem too simple but if followed, they will change your life. I tried to make it clear and simple but powerful!
You can read the first chapter of I’Mpossible on Jeff’s website.