I love the Thanksgiving season! It makes me reflect back on all the many things I have been blessed with throughout the year! I love writing about gratitude as you can see from my past post here, but today I am excited to have Alyssa guest posting for me today on the subject of Gratitude!
With Thanksgiving coming up this month, gratitude is on the minds of many Americans. While you will see the internet and social media plastered with your friends and family publicly giving thanks, it is not likely many of them will take the time to think about the ‘why’. Why is it important to be grateful, not just now but during all times of the year? How does this action affect our lives and what can we do to express gratitude on a daily basis? Gaining a deeper understanding on why gratitude matters will give you the tools and motivation to enrich your life and that of those around you.
From a purely psychological standpoint, gratitude is essential for a truly happy life. Giving thanks can have a positive effect on your emotional and mental health in many ways such as, but not limited to:
Increased levels of energy
More feelings of relaxation
More joy and pleasure
Less envy
Feeling more awake and alert
More positive emotions
More positive memories
Increased optimism
Higher sense of self worth
Studies have shown those who experience these positive results, in turn tend to be more forgiving, more generous, more compassionate and experience less loneliness. Expressing gratitude is also a way for us to affirm there is good in the world and to actively recognize the source for that good. Consequently, we find ourselves appreciating the positive traits in others rather than just in ourselves.

Counter Negative Thoughts: It is natural to have negative thoughts, particularly in the face of poor or stressful situations. But we can use this as an opportunity to develop more gratitude. As soon as you have a negative thought, think of three things you are grateful for. You will soon find the good outweighs the bad and there is always something to be grateful for.
We all know that gratitude is important but by developing a deeper understanding for its necessity, we can improve our ability to increase it in our own lives and find greater happiness, even in the face of adversity.