Yes today is the day! 11 Years ago I married this amazing man!
I still can’t believe how fast the time has flown by. I am so grateful for this amazing man in my life! He is wonderful and I just love his so so much!!
Sure we have had our ups and downs in life, but the ups far out weight any downs. We he grown closer through our struggles and I can tell you I love him more (if that is even possible) then the day I married him.
Wouldn’t it be fun to look that young and cute again and wear a big fancy dress and get pictures taken?
Seriously that was such a fun day. I felt like a princess!
I am one lucky girl to be married to this guy.
We work well together,
He loves me and I adore him,
We have really cute kiddos,
We balace each other really well,
When I just need a break he gives it to me,
When he is overwhelmed I help him through.
I sure love him and glad I get to be with him FOREVER!
Cute! 🙂 You two are so cute together!
And yes – loving him MORE now than you did when you got married is ABSOLUTELY possible. As much as we ‘love’ our husbands on our wedding day – we have no idea how much we truly DO LOVE them until treating them with love is tested with real life challenges; that can only happen after marriage! 😉
There are experiences I have had with my husband which didn’t even begin to shake my desire to live with him forever, even though the same experience may have caused me to not want to marry him had they occurred before marriage.
And there have been times when we both have done small things which the other would have responded harshly over before we were married, but we responded with patience and understanding after marriage.
Regardless of each others commitment, patience, forgiveness, and understanding – we still manage to STRIVE to BE KINDER and BETTER in ever way… FOR EACH OTHER.
That’s the result of a more mature love which can only come through the marriage commitment… 🙂