My son had a birthday party a couple of months ago and really wanted a Carnival birthday party! He had all sorts of ideas and I felt a little overwhelmed becuase we had 3 birthdays that month and birthday parties with a ton of kids can feel stressful! He decided he didnt’ want me to make a fancy cake, but just wanted ice cream sandwhices which was really easy!! The carnival ended up being really fun! Here was our invitation. If you right click on it you can save it to your desktop and add your kids info in photoshop or canva.
He decided on a few games where the kids could earn prizes. The first thing we did was a Scavenger Hung where we hid tickets under rocks outsdie and the kids had to go find them. At the end of the Carnival the kids got to come pick out prizes. We went to the Dollar Store and picked out prizes from little candies to toys and had them worth tickets. The kids loved it and were so excited at the end to pick out their prizes.
We put the signs up thoughout the house and the kids went from game to game earning tickets. My older kids helped to
8 Fun Carnival Birthday Party Games
Scavenger Hunt – Hide tickets outside and play hot or coldor just let them try to find them.
Can Toss – We had a bean bag and the kids tossed it to earn a ticket per cup they knocked down.
Exercise Contest – The kids loved this one. For 20 pushups they got 10 tickets, a 1 min plank they got 5 tickets and a 2 minutes plank they got 10 and just for trying the got 2 tickets! The kids had fun challenging eachother.
Ice Challenge – This one was also a hit. We put ice water in a cooler and the kids got a certain amount of tickets for how long they stood in the water. It was so funny!
Plinko– We had a friend that had this awesome plinko board. The bottom just had the amounts of tickets they earned. It doesnt’ look to hard to make!
Tight Rope Walking – We ended up not doing this one, but you get get either a board or a slack line and just give the kids tickets for trying.
Nerf Shooting Contest– The kids all loved this one. Nerf shooting at water bottles was one of the kids favorite!
Darts– We bought this tiny dart board at the dollar store. Each area was a certain amount of tickets.
The party was fun and simple The kids got some soda and an ice cream sandwhich at the end and then got to pick out prizes!!
Here are the signs we made. Feel free to right click and save them for your carnival birthday party!!
Print 4 to a page.
Check out other fun and simple Birthday party ideas HERE!